RadioDNS / EBU Hackday

Nick Piggott 11th January 2011

We’re very pleased to announce the second event for hackers / software developers who want to get involved with RadioDNS.

The EBU is hosting a hands-on technical workshop in Geneva on the morning of 15th February 2011 (09:00 – 14:00 CET), for which we’re really grateful.

This is a hands-on event, which is intended for hackers/ software developers who want to hack and develop code against the various RadioDNS standards.

There will be plenty of resources in the room, including a number of live transmitted signals (DAB, FM) to work against, USB devices to receive them on, code repositories and libraries (mainly for python), and servers providing content and warmth.

You’re welcome to come along and develop server-side services, client applications or any of the other software components that make up RadioDNS and its applications. (Don’t forget, the documentation is open for you to look at).

Space is limited to approximately 30 people (and their laptops). Priority will be given to RadioDNS Members, and we may have to restrict attendance to 2 people per organisation/company if the workshop is oversubscribed. You can register here.

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