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TuneIn adds support for RadioDNS Standards

Nick Piggott 6th August 2020

As a growing number of broadcasters recognise the importance of providing accurate metadata to enhance broadcast radio, we’re seeing a corresponding increase in the number of stations providing a Service Information (SI) file.

The SI file is the starting point for metadata about your station – your logos, names, descriptions, genre information, frequencies and digital radio information. An SI file can describe one station or hundreds. It’s a very efficient way of describing and transferring enhanced information about radio stations.

We’re really pleased to say that our member TuneIn is now able to ingest SI files directly to keep their information up to date. That means it’s faster, more accurate and requires less manual intervention. It’s a great business efficiency for both broadcasters and TuneIn.

If your station is listed in TuneIn, then contact them at contentpartners@tunein.com to get set up. You don’t have to be a member of RadioDNS to use this functionality, as our standards are free and open for anyone to use.

If you want to know more about setting up an SI file for your station(s), take a look at Project Logo – the starting point for SI. Once you’ve got an SI file, not only can you keep TuneIn updated, you’ll also benefit from an enhanced presence in connected cars.

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