Our Ninth RadioDNS General Assembly will be held on 10th February, at the European Broadcasting Union in Geneva, Switzerland.
This year’s General Assembly will be in two parts:
- The morning session (10:00 – 13:00) will be for RadioDNS Members only, and will discuss the strategic direction of RadioDNS and our plans for 2015
- The afternoon session (14:00 – 17:00) will be open to everyone interested in the development of Hybrid Radio, and our progress integrating with tabletop, automotive and smartphone radio devices.
From 14:00 we’ll be looking back on the notable successes for Hybrid Radio in 2014, and more importantly, looking at the exciting new projects we have for 2015. Join us to hear more on:
- Project Logo – All hybrid radio devices need meta-data from radio stations to work correctly; without meta-data they’re as dumb as a disconnected device. We’re going to be working with broadcaster organisations (like UK Radioplayer and similar projects in our countries) to publish meta-data for thousands of stations during 2015.
- RadioDNS Test and Demonstration Platform – Manufacturers will be able to automate device testing, and broadcasters/service providers will be able to verify that their platforms are outputting content correctly too.
- New Technical Standards
- RadioTAG, a technical standard defining interactivity for radio combines a simple ‘one-button-push’ interaction that’s ideal for driving/working/walking with a powerful ‘single-sign-on’ function that allows users to link all their radio devices together to get a unified view of everything they’ve found interesting on the radio
- RadioWEB will allow broadcasters to use powerful web technologies to create state-of-the-art user experiences, giving listeners a way to switch instantly from passive to active engagement in a fully station-branded environment.
Registration is required to attend. Please fill out this form to ensure your registration is confirmed.