RadioDNS is born

Nick Piggott 17th February 2010

Yesterday was a landmark for the RadioDNS Project.

At our Second General Assembly, the attendees voted unanimously to adopt the Statutes, Membership Process, Trust Model, IPR Policy, and other recommendations proposed by the Statutes Drafting Team. You can read all these in our documentation section.

Which means that RadioDNS is now able to legally form itself as a not-for-profit organisation, and start providing the RadioDNS basis on a full operational basis – as well as promote the technology to device manufacturers and broadcasters.

It’s an exhilarating moment, and I’d like to extend the thanks of the members to the Statutes Drafting Team for their extensive work in getting all the necessary documentation together, and making sure a comprehensive set of proposal.

So what happens next?

Until now, we’ve all been Supporters of RadioDNS.

From now on, you can choose to be a Member of RadioDNS, which allows you to influence the direction of RadioDNS, vote at meetings, and nominate candidates for the roles of Chairperson, Secretary and Steering Board Member.

You can also be a User which means that you have your station details in RadioDNS, but no more than that.

Becoming A Member

The General Assembly recommended that we have a period during which people can become members in order to nominate candidates for the roles of Chairperson, Secretary and Steering Board Member (9 positions). That period starts now and ends on the 17th March 2010. They have recommended that the maximum membership fee will be CHF2.000,- (which approximates to USD1,800, GBP1,200, AUD2,000). The actual fee will likely be lower, once the costs are clearer.

You can continue to join as a member, and get a vote, until 31st March. From 1st April, the normal RadioDNS Membership Process will apply.

If you want to join, fill in the membership application form and we will be in contact.

Nominating Candidates

If you commit to becoming a member, you can nominate individuals for the roles of Chairperson, Secretary and Steering Board member. Nominations close at 17:00 GMT on 16th March 2010, and we will be circulate the candidates on the 17th March. You will be sent the electronic nomination form when you have confirmed your membership.


The election will happen on the 1st April, and we  will circulate an electronic ballot paper to all members prior to then.

We hope to see many of you move from being supporters to members (as it makes membership cheaper for everyone), but we’ll like you just the same as supporters too.

We will keep you updated on this blog and on the mailing lists.

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