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Creating your own SI file – a code school with NAB

Nick Piggott 21st July 2020
Screenshot of PHP code

Our open standards mean anyone can provide content to hybrid radio devices. If you’re just starting out with RadioDNS, we recommend implementing Project Logo, which is the minimum metadata for your radio station(s).

The foundation of Project Logo is your SI (Service Information) file. The SI file describes your radio station(s), their names, descriptions, logos, frequencies, streams and so on. It’s an incredibly powerful data source for receivers.

We already provide a web browser tool to create SI files, but if you already maintain a structured dataset (like an SQL Database) of your radio stations, its much better to automatically generate your SI file from that. That way, any changes in your station database are automatically reflected in the SI file, and then in all the hybrid radio devices.

Creating an SI file was the subject of a seminar we held for our member the National Association of Broadcasters, which in turn they invited their US members to. It explains some of the background of metadata use in cars, and then there’s a step-by-step code school showing how write the code to generate an SI file. There’s also a section on how to configure your DNS records. You can watch it here, for free.

If you have a software developer in your radio station, it’s worth them taking the time to watch it. As well as the tutorial, there’s sample code they can check out of our Github.

This is one of the ways we support our members in implementing RadioDNS Hybrid Radio.

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