Application Teams at the EBU

Ben Poor 24th February 2012

The RadioDNS community came together recently at the EBU in Geneva, Switzerland, for both the RadioDNS General Assembly but also as a chance to catch up and share the latest news.

RadioEPG session - before!


On behalf of the RadioEPG team I gave what might have been the first full presentation on the upcoming v1.0 RadioEPG specification. It proved to be a session packed full of information and great questions, with me leading everyone on a rapid tour through the document formats, use cases and device behaviours.

What was emphasised during the presentation, and also highlighted by some feedback at the end, is that the beauty of RadioEPG is really in its ability to detail Service Information. This allows us to do some really clever stuff around Service Following and true Hybrid Radio.

You can download the presentation here: RadioEPG EBU RadioHack 2012


Quickly putting my RadioVIS hat back on, I lead a separate session going through RadioVIS from a Broadcaster’s perspective – the different options in setting up a service, ideas for sourcing content, different ways to generate slides, and how RadioVIS fits in with things like DAB Slideshow. I also detailed the upcoming changes for the RadioVIS v1.1.0 specification and its importance.

You can download the presentation here: RadioVIS EBU RadioHack 2012

Of particular interest to some Broadcasters, although not something we unfortunately had time to go through during that session, was a set of great tips and tricks on how to run and tune Apache ActiveMQ for a production-grade, resilient RadioVIS service. This was based on the experiences of the largest commercial Broadcaster in the UK, pushing server uptime from being measured in days to months whilst coping with a high load.

You can download the presentation here: ActiveMQ for RadioVIS

Missed it? Want more information?

For those that missed the presentations, I’ll be repackaging these as Webinars fairly soon, with links to follow, although do ask any questions in the meantime on the relevant Application lists.

Pictures courtesy of Peter Redhead, and many thanks to the EBU for again hosting the event.
