Germany ignites RadioDNS

Nick Piggott 6th April 2016

We’re pleased to announce more detail of the rollout of RadioDNS’ Project Logo in Germany, one of Europe’s most significant markets.

German broadcasters have united to launch, a local version of the Radioplayer collaboration in the UK.  Whilst the major German radio stations were already providing meta-data using the RadioDNS stations, the launch of extends coverage of RadioDNS meta-data to nearly 95% of the German market. This puts Germany on a par with the UK in terms of availability of RadioDNS services.

The first phase provides the minimum meta-data specific in our Project Logo plan, but we expect that to be extended in the future to provide access to more meta-data and real-time information using both RadioDNS’ SPI and Visual Slideshow standards.

The German broadcasters have written to the car manufacturers to encourage them to make use of this meta-data, and accelerate the integration of RadioDNS standards into the dashboard. We very much look forward to working with them to achieve that goal.


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