2024 Eighteenth General Assembly

Rosie Kendrick 13th February 2024

Tuesday 20th February 2024, 14:00 – 16:30 (UTC) – Online

RadioDNS General Assembly

The RadioDNS General Assembly is an important annual meeting of the Members of RadioDNS. It’s your opportunity to hear about our progress and plans, and ask questions of the Steering Board and Project Office.

You’re welcome to invite as many people from your organisation as you’d like to attend and hear about our work.

Agenda and Minutes

Agenda for the 18th General Assembly (PDF Version)

Minutes from the 18th General Assembly are here.

Presentation from the 18th General Assembly is here.


Time (UTC)
14:00Welcome and Introductions
14:10Members’ Business
This is a short section of the meeting where we go through important organisational business, including accepting our Accounts for 2023.
Topics we’ll cover:
The Steering Board – who they are, what they do, leavers and joiners in 2023
Our accounts and financial situation
VOTE: Approval of the minutes of the 17th General Assembly
VOTE: Approval of the Accounts for 2023
VOTE: Approval of the Steering Board decisions in 2023
14:30RadioDNS in 2023
We’ll look back at our activities last year and what we achieved. Some of the topics we’ll discuss:
Technical group activity
Updates to technical standards and what they enable
Communications, events and education
Our work on automotive user experience guidelines and driver distraction
The Automotive Workshops with WorldDAB
How the RadioDNS registration system works and our system resilience
The decisions the Steering Board made in 2023
VOTE: Approve the Steering Board decisions in 2023
15:10Member Presentation
15:20Short Break
Have a tea/coffee and a short break
15:30RadioDNS in 2024
Here’s our plans for the coming year, and how we’ll grow hybrid radio more. Topics will include:
Enabling accurate and efficient metadata and content flow for the global radio industry
Rollout of the FQDN List project
A prototype of On-Demand Audio Recommendations and switching between radio and broadcaster apps
Helping make the experience of using radio more consistent
New membership and information materials
Our Communications, events and education plans
Our role in enabling diversity
VOTE: Approval of the 2024 Plan
16:102024 Budget
We’ll present the budget for 2024.
VOTE: Approval of the 2024 Budget
16:20Member Presentation
16:30Meeting Close
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