Targeted Content

Delivering content to individual listeners of a broadcast radio service.

Targeted content can be more relevant to listeners and/or valuable to broadcasters. That targeting can be based on location, non-identifying listener information, or detailed listener information.

  • Localised traffic reports in a national radio service
  • Localised weather maps
  • Targeted information about on-demand / podcast content, based on a listener’s preferences
  • Targeted advertising, based on location and/or preferences

RadioDNS provides the tookit to develop your own approach to targeting content.

Broadcast Audio Replacement Working Team

This team, within our Technical Group, is making it possible to seamlessly replace broadcast radio audio (and visuals) with audio targeted and relevant to the listener. RadioDNS Members can join the team. You can read more about it in our seminar presentation.

Cross Platform Authentication

We recommend implementing the Cross Platform Authentication standard (TS 103 407) to allow listeners to “log on” to their devices. The CPA standard works consistently across all media devices, for video and audio.

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