AER is the Europe-wide trade body which represents the interests of over 4,500 private/commercial radio stations across the EU27 and in Switzerland.

Their main objective is to develop and improve the most suitable framework for commercial radio.
AER was asked to deliver a presentation on the future of commercial radio to the European Commission and Member States Representatives on October 23rd. Presenting to CBISS, the Communications Committee’s (COCOM) Working Group on Broadcasting Issues, AER will be looking at the current state of European commercial radio and the future challenges/opportunities which it faces.
Hybrid radio using RadioDNS technology offers the best of both worlds to the listener – combining a robust broadcast backbone with the power of the internet to offer personalised interaction. It’s great for the broadcaster too – the one to many broadcast delivery saves the costs and burden of online streaming alone, and you can offer specific, tailored content to your listeners, ensuring brand loyalty.
That’s why AER will be recommending RadioDNS hybrid radio as one of the industry solutions to the European Commission and Member States Representatives today. We’re really pleased, and hope to see many more commercial radio stations adopting our services.
For more information, please contact the Project Office.